EPFL Logo Infoscience

Metadata Application Profile

Descriptive: Entity Type | Title | Additional titles | Resource type | DOI | ISBN | ISO | Standard number | Report number | Patent number | Application number | Priority number | Corporate author name | Author(s) or Inventor name | Contributor EPFL unit | Author Institution | Scientific editor(s) | Scientifc Editor Institution | Advisor(s) | Advisor Institution | Contributor(s) or Corporate author(s) | Contributor Institution | Jury | Patent applicant(s) | Date issued or Publication date | Patent Date | Patent Priority date | Patent Application Date | Public defense year | Language | Publisher or Institution name | Publisher place or Institution place | Journal title | ISSN | Book Title or Is part of or Source name | DOI (of the book) | ISBN (of the book) | Series title/Series vol. | ISSN (of the series) | Special issue title | Edition | Part name | Part number | Article number | End page | Issue | Start page | Volume | Abstract | Notes | Version | Main content size, duration or Page count | Format | Target audience | Kind code | Country code | TTO classification | Subject(s) | Peer reviewed status | Supplementary link | Supplementary link Description | Related Event(s) (conference, workshop, course, etc) | Event type | Event date | Event place | Grant URL | Grant name | Grant number | Funder | Related work URI or DOI | Relation type | Related title | Award(s) | Award date | File description | File type | File License | File version

Administrative: URI | Handle | ACOUA preservation ID | Thesis number | WOS ID | SCOPUS ID | PMID | Patent Family ID | Sciper ID | ORCID Id (only for EPFL members with EPFL linked ORCID) | Scopus Author ID | ResearcherID | Created date | Accessioned date | Modified date | Accepted date | Written while being affiliated with EPFL | Access rights | Version | Parent unit | Involved EPFL unit(s) | Doctoral school or program | Faculty | Institute | Original OrgUnit | Section

Legacy: Legacy ID | Legacy item type | Degree level

Descriptive Metadata

Entity Type

Label Entity Type
French label Type d'entité
Element dspace.entity.type
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dspace_entity_type
Definition The entity of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range List of entities
  • Publication
  • Product
  • Dataset or other product
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • entityType
  • dspace.entity.type


Label Title
French label Titre
Element dc.title
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_title
Legacy MARC metadata 245__a
Definition A name given to the resource.
Obligation Required
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • title
  • dc.title

Additional titles

Label Additional titles
French label Autres titres
Element dc.title.alternative
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_title_alternative
Definition An alternative name for the resource (translated title)
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.title.alternative

Resource type

Label Resource type
French label Type
Element dc.type
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_type
Legacy MARC metadata 336__a
Definition The nature or genre of the resource.
Obligation Required
Range COAR resource types vocabulary
  • dataset
  • dataset::aggregated data
  • dataset::clinical trial data
  • dataset::compiled data
  • dataset::encoded data
  • dataset::experimental data
  • dataset::genomic data
  • dataset::geospatial data
  • dataset::laboratory notebook
  • dataset::measurement and test data
  • dataset::observational data
  • dataset::recorded data
  • dataset::simulation data
  • dataset::survey data
  • design
  • design::industrial design
  • design::layout design
  • image
  • image::moving image
  • image::moving image::video
  • image::still image
  • interactive resource
  • interactive resource::website
  • patent
  • patent::design patent
  • patent::PCT application
  • patent::plant patent
  • patent::plant variety protection
  • patent::software patent
  • patent::utility model
  • software
  • software::research software
  • software::source code
  • student work
  • student work::bachelor thesis
  • student work::master thesis
  • student work::semester or other student projects
  • teaching material
  • text
  • text::blog post
  • text::book/monograph
  • text::book/monograph::book part or chapter
  • text::conference output
  • text::conference output::conference paper not in proceedings
  • text::conference output::conference poster not in proceedings
  • text::conference output::conference presentation
  • text::conference output::conference proceedings
  • text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper
  • text::conference output::conference proceedings::conference poster
  • text::journal
  • text::journal::editorial
  • text::journal::journal article
  • text::journal::journal article::data paper
  • text::journal::journal article::research article
  • text::journal::journal article::review article
  • text::journal::journal article::software paper
  • text::magazine
  • text::newspaper article
  • text::preprint
  • text::report
  • text::report::clinical study
  • text::report::data management plan
  • text::report::policy report
  • text::report::research protocol
  • text::report::research report
  • text::report::technical report
  • text::technical documentation or standard
  • text::working paper
  • thesis
  • thesis::doctoral thesis
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • types
  • itemtype
  • dc.type


Label DOI
French label DOI
Element dc.identifier.doi
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_doi
Legacy MARC metadata 0247_a (if 0247_2 == doi)
Definition Digital Object Identifier.
Obligation Required When Available
Range DOI identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • doi
  • dc.identifier.doi


Label ISBN
French label ISBN
Element dc.identifier.isbn
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_isbn
Legacy MARC metadata 020__a
Definition International Standard Book Number.
Obligation Required When Available
Range ISBN
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.isbn


Label ISO
French label ISO
Element dc.identifier.iso
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_iso
Legacy MARC metadata 02470a (if 024702 == iso)
Definition ISO code number.
Obligation Required When Available
Range ISO
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.iso

Standard number

Label Standard number
French label Numéro de la norme
Element dc.identifier.standardno
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_standardno
Legacy MARC metadata 740__a
Definition Standard number.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.identifier.standardno

Report number

Label Report number
French label Numéro du rapport
Element dc.identifier.reportno
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_reportno
Definition Report number.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.identifier.reportno

Patent number

Label Patent number
French label Numéro du brevet
Element dc.identifier.patentno
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_patentno
Legacy MARC metadata 013__a
Definition Patent number.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.identifier.patentno

Application number

Label Application number
French label Demande
Element dc.identifier.applicationnumber
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_applicationnumber
Definition Patent application number.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.identifier.applicationnumber

Priority number

Label Priority number
French label Priorités
Element dc.identifier.prioritynumber
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_prioritynumber
Definition Patent priority number.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.identifier.prioritynumber

Corporate author name

Label Corporate author name
French label Auteur correspondant
Element epfl.contributor.role
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_contributor_role
Definition Flag to determine if the named entity is the primary correspondence author.
Obligation Optional
Range true/false
  • yes
  • no
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.contributor.role

Author(s) or Inventor name

Label Author(s) or Inventor name
French label Auteur(s)
Element dc.contributor.author
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_contributor_author
Legacy MARC metadata 700__a
Definition An entity primarily responsible for making the resource.
Obligation Required When Available
Range String or author authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • author
  • author_editor
  • dc.contributor.author

Contributor EPFL unit

Label Contributor EPFL unit
French label Unité ou Laboratoire
Element oairecerif.affiliation.orgunit
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_affiliation_orgunit
Definition Affiliation at the author's unit level if a member of EPFL.
Obligation Recommended
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oairecerif.affiliation.orgunit

Author Institution

Label Author Institution
French label Institution
Element oairecerif.author.affiliation
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_author_affiliation
Definition The authors´ institutions; the affiliation for a journal article or conference paper pertains to the resource
Obligation Recommended
Range ROR registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oairecerif.author.affiliation

Scientific editor(s)

Label Scientific editor(s)
French label Éditeur(s) scientifique(s)
Element dc.contributor.scientificeditor
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_contributor_scientificeditor
Legacy MARC metadata 720_1a
Definition A person responsible for editing or for having directed the resource.
Obligation Required When Available
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • editor
  • author_editor
  • dc.contributor.scientificeditor

Scientifc Editor Institution

Label Scientifc Editor Institution
French label Institution
Element oairecerif.scientificeditor.affiliation
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_scientificeditor_affiliation
Definition The scientific editor´ institutions; the affiliation for a book or book chapter or conference proceedings pertains to the resource
Obligation Recommended
Range ROR registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oairecerif.scientificeditor.affiliation


Label Advisor(s)
French label Directeur(s)
Element dc.contributor.advisor
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_contributor_advisor
Legacy MARC metadata 720_2a
Definition A person responsible for advising or for having directed the resource. Use primarily for thesis advisor.
Obligation Required When Available
Range String or advisor authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • author_editor
  • dc.contributor.advisor

Advisor Institution

Label Advisor Institution
French label Institution
Element oairecerif.advisor.affiliation
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_advisor_affiliation
Definition The advisor´ institutions.
Obligation Recommended
Range ROR registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oairecerif.advisor.affiliation

Contributor(s) or Corporate author(s)

Label Contributor(s) or Corporate author(s)
French label Contributeur(s)
Element dc.contributor
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_contributor
Legacy MARC metadata 710__a
Definition An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String or editor authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.contributor

Contributor Institution

Label Contributor Institution
French label Institution
Element oairecerif.contributor.affiliation
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_contributor_affiliation
Definition The contributors´ institutions; the affiliation for a journal article or conference paper pertains to the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range ROR registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oairecerif.contributor.affiliation


Label Jury
French label Jury
Element epfl.thesis.jury
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_jury
Legacy MARC metadata 502__a
Definition Indicate the jury or examining committee for a thesis.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.jury

Patent applicant(s)

Label Patent applicant(s)
French label Demandeur(s)
Element dcterms.rightHolder
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dcterms_rightHolder
Definition Patent holder.
Obligation Required When Available
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dcterms.rightHolder

Date issued or Publication date

Label Date issued or Publication date
French label Date de diffusion
Element dc.date.issued
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_date_issued
Legacy MARC metadata 260__c, 269__a
Definition Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.
Obligation Required When Available
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dateIssued
  • dc.date.issued

Patent Date

Label Patent Date
French label Date du brevet
Element epfl.patent.date
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_patent_date
Legacy MARC metadata 013__d
Definition Date of formal issuance of the patent.
Obligation Required When Available
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.patent.date

Patent Priority date

Label Patent Priority date
French label Date (priorité)
Element dcterms.dateAccepted
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dcterms_dateAccepted
Definition Date of acceptance of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dcterms.dateAccepted

Patent Application Date

Label Patent Application Date
French label Date (demande)
Element dcterms.dateSubmitted
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dcterms_dateSubmitted
Definition Date of submission of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dcterms.dateSubmitted

Public defense year

Label Public defense year
French label Année de défense publique
Element epfl.thesis.publicDefenseYear
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_publicDefenseYear
Legacy MARC metadata 920__a
Definition The year in which a thesis was publicly defended.
Obligation Required When Available
Range Date (year)
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.publicDefenseYear


Label Language
French label Langue
Element dc.language.iso
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_language_iso
Legacy MARC metadata 041__a
Definition A language of the resource. ISO 639-1 language codes.
Obligation Recommended
Range ISO code list (common_iso_languages)
  • en
  • fr
  • de
  • it
  • ja
  • zh
  • other
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • language
  • dc.language.iso

Publisher or Institution name

Label Publisher or Institution name
French label Institution
Element dc.publisher
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_publisher
Legacy MARC metadata 260__b
Definition An entity responsible for making the resource available (electronic publication, distribution, or imprint).
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • publisher
  • dc.publisher

Publisher place or Institution place

Label Publisher place or Institution place
French label Lieu d'édition
Element dc.publisher.place
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_publisher_place
Legacy MARC metadata 260__a
Definition Publication place of original resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.publisher.place

Journal title

Label Journal title
French label Titre de la revue
Element dc.relation.journal
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_journal
Legacy MARC metadata 773__t
Definition The name of the journal in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Required When Available
Range String or Journal authority or Sherpa Romeo Registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • journal
  • container
  • dc.relation.journal


Label ISSN
French label ISSN
Element dc.relation.issn
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_issn
Legacy MARC metadata 022__a
Definition The International Standard Serial Number of the journal in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Required When Available
Range ISSN
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.issn

Book Title or Is part of or Source name

Label Book Title or Is part of or Source name
French label Publié dans (ouvrage, etc.)
Element dc.relation.ispartof
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_ispartof
Legacy MARC metadata 773__t
Definition A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included. (e.g. A book title for a book chapter)
Obligation Required When Available
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.ispartof

DOI (of the book)

Label DOI (of the book)
French label DOI (de l'ouvrage)
Element dc.relation.doi
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_doi
Definition The Digital Object Identifier of the related resource. (e.g. book)
Obligation Required When Available
Range DOI identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.doi

ISBN (of the book)

Label ISBN (of the book)
French label ISBN (de l'ouvrage)
Element dc.relation.isbn
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_isbn
Definition The ISBN of the related resource. (e.g. book)
Obligation Required When Available
Range ISBN
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.isbn

Series title/Series vol.

Label Series title/Series vol.
French label Titre de la série/Numéro de la série
Element dc.relation.ispartofseries
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_ispartofseries
Legacy MARC metadata 490__a
Definition The name of the series in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.ispartofseries

ISSN (of the series)

Label ISSN (of the series)
French label ISSN (de la série)
Element dc.relation.serieissn
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_serieissn
Definition The ISSN of the series in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Optional
Range ISSN
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.serieissn

Special issue title

Label Special issue title
French label Titre spécifique à ce numéro
Element epfl.relation.issuetitle
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_relation_issuetitle
Definition The specifi issue name in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.relation.issuetitle


Label Edition
French label Édition
Element dc.description.edition
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_description_edition
Legacy MARC metadata 8564_e
Definition Edition of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.description.edition

Part name

Label Part name
French label Titre de la partie
Element epfl.part.name
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_part_name
Legacy MARC metadata 773__e
Definition Title of the part in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.part.name

Part number

Label Part number
French label Numéro de la partie
Element epfl.part.number
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_part_number
Legacy MARC metadata 773__f
Definition Title of the part in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.part.number

Article number

Label Article number
French label Numéro d'article
Element oaire.citation.articlenumber
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_articlenumber
Legacy MARC metadata 773__q
Definition The article number of the article as stated in the journal.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.articlenumber

End page

Label End page
French label Page de fin
Element oaire.citation.endPage
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_endPage
Legacy MARC metadata 773__q
Definition The last page of the resource.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.endPage


Label Issue
French label Numéro de la revue
Element oaire.citation.issue
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_issue
Legacy MARC metadata 773__k
Definition The issue of the container publication (journal or book) in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.issue

Start page

Label Start page
French label Page de début
Element oaire.citation.startPage
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_startPage
Legacy MARC metadata 773__q
Definition The first page of the resource.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.startPage


Label Volume
French label Volume de la revue
Element oaire.citation.volume
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_volume
Legacy MARC metadata 773__j
Definition The volume of the container publication (journal or book) in which the resource appeared.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.volume


Label Abstract
French label Résumé
Element dc.description.abstract
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_description_abstract
Legacy MARC metadata 520__a
Definition A summary of the resource.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • abstract
  • dc.description.abstract


Label Notes
French label Notes
Element dc.description.notes
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_description_notes
Legacy MARC metadata 500__a
Definition Typically refers to additional notes or comments related to the described resource
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.description.notes


Label Version
French label Version
Element dc.description.version
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_description_version
Legacy MARC metadata 251__a
Definition Version of the resource. Primarily used in Datasets.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.description.version

Main content size, duration or Page count

Label Main content size, duration or Page count
French label Taille, durée du contenu principal
Element dc.size
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_size
Legacy MARC metadata 300__a
Definition The size or duration of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.size


Label Format
French label Format
Element dc.format.extent
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_format_extent
Legacy MARC metadata 300__c
Definition The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.format.extent

Target audience

Label Target audience
French label Public cible
Element dc.audience
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_audience
Legacy MARC metadata 954__a
Definition Describes the intended or target audience for a particular resource or content.
Obligation Optional
Range List
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD school
  • General audience
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.audience

Kind code

Label Kind code
French label Code de type
Element epfl.patent.kindcode
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_patent_kindcode
Legacy MARC metadata 013__c
Definition Describes the specific type or category of a patent.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.patent.kindcode

Country code

Label Country code
French label Code région
Element oairecerif.patent.country
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_patent_country
Legacy MARC metadata 013__b
Definition Country of patent publication in the OpenAIRE-CERIF metadata standard.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oairecerif.patent.country

TTO classification

Label TTO classification
French label Classification TTO
Element epfl.tto
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_tto
Legacy MARC metadata 6531_a (if value contains TTO)
Definition A thematic classification assigned to patents by the technology transfer office.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.tto


Label Subject(s)
French label Sujet(s)
Element dc.subject
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_subject
Legacy MARC metadata 650__a,6531_a
Definition The topic of the resource. Keywords that describes the content of the item.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • subject
  • dc.subject

Peer reviewed status

Label Peer reviewed status
French label Évalué par les pairs
Element epfl.peerreviewed
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_peerreviewed
Legacy MARC metadata 973__r
Definition Description coming soon...
Obligation Required
Range List (peerreviewed)
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.peerreviewed

Supplementary link

Label Supplementary link
French label Lien supplémentaire
Element epfl.url
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_url
Legacy MARC metadata 85641u
Definition Alternative access URL for the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.url

Supplementary link Description

Label Supplementary link Description
French label Description
Element epfl.url.description
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_url_description
Legacy MARC metadata 85641y
Definition Description of the alternative access URL for the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.url.description

Related Event(s) (conference, workshop, course, etc)

Label Related Event(s) (conference, workshop, course, etc)
French label Événement associé (conférence, atelier, cours, etc.)
Element dc.relation.conference
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_conference
Legacy MARC metadata 7112_a
Definition The conference or event associated with the resource
Obligation Recommended
Range String or Event authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.conference

Event type

Label Event type
French label Type d'événement
Element epfl.relation.conferenceType
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_relation_conferenceType
Definition The type of conference or event associated with the resource
Obligation Optional
Range List (event_types)
  • conference
  • workshop
  • seminar
  • exhibition
  • course
  • other
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.relation.conferenceType

Event date

Label Event date
French label Date de début
Element oaire.citation.conferenceDate
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_conferenceDate
Legacy MARC metadata 7112_d
Definition Date of the conference at which the resource was presented
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.conferenceDate

Event place

Label Event place
French label Lieu de l'événement
Element oaire.citation.conferencePlace
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_citation_conferencePlace
Legacy MARC metadata 7112_c
Definition The location where a conference or event took place.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.citation.conferencePlace

Grant URL

Label Grant URL
French label URL du grant
Element crisfund.award.uri
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#crisfund_award_uri
Definition URI for the grant or funding associated with the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range URI
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • crisfund.award.uri

Grant name

Label Grant name
French label Nom du grant
Element dc.relation.funding
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_funding
Definition Name of the grant or funding associated with the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String or OpenAIRE registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.funding

Grant number

Label Grant number
French label Numéro du grant
Element dc.relation.grantno
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_grantno
Legacy MARC metadata 536__c
Definition Identifier for the grant or funding associated with the resource.
Obligation Recommended
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.grantno


Label Funder
French label Financeur
Element oairecerif.funder
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oairecerif_funder
Legacy MARC metadata 536__a
Definition Enable identification of the research funder and other funding information.
Obligation Recommended
Range String or ROR registry
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • fundername
  • oairecerif.funder

Related work URI or DOI

Label Related work URI or DOI
French label Ressource liée
Element datacite.relatedIdentifier
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#datacite_relatedIdentifier
Legacy MARC metadata 787__w, 790__w
Definition A related identifier or URI which is describing the related resource.
Obligation Optional
Range URI
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • datacite.relatedIdentifier

Relation type

Label Relation type
French label Type de relation
Element datacite.relationType
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#datacite_relationType
Legacy MARC metadata 787__e, 790__2
Definition Controlled list values for describing the relationship between the two linked resources.
Obligation Optional
Range List (epfl_relation_type)
  • IsCitedBy
  • Cites
  • IsSupplementTo
  • IsSupplementedBy
  • IsContinuedBy
  • Continues
  • IsDescribedBy
  • Describes
  • HasMetadata
  • IsMetadataFor
  • HasVersion
  • IsVersionOf
  • IsNewVersionOf
  • IsPreviousVersionOf
  • IsPartOf
  • HasPart
  • IsReferencedBy
  • References
  • IsDocumentedBy
  • Documents
  • IsCompiledBy
  • Compiles
  • IsVariantFormOf
  • IsOriginalFormOf
  • IsIdenticalTo
  • IsReviewedBy
  • Reviews
  • IsDerivedFrom
  • IsSourceOf
  • IsRequiredBy
  • Requires
  • IsPublishedIn
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • datacite.relationType

Related title

Label Related title
French label Titre de la ressource liée
Element dc.relation.title
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_relation_title
Definition A related resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String or Item authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.relation.title


Label Award(s)
French label Prix
Element epfl.award
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_award
Legacy MARC metadata 586__a
Definition Description of an award received by the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.award

Award date

Label Award date
French label Date du prix ou de la récompense
Element epfl.award.date
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_award_date
Legacy MARC metadata 586__b
Definition Date of an award received by the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.award.date

File description

Label File description
French label Description du fichier
Element dc.description
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_description
Legacy MARC metadata 8564_y
Definition Description of the file.
Obligation Optional
Range String
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.description

File type

Label File type
French label Type de fichier
Element dspace.file.type
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dspace_file_type
Legacy MARC metadata 8564_0
Definition Type of the file
Obligation Optional
Range List (bitstream_types)
  • main document
  • main dataset
  • supplementary material/Information
  • presentation
  • video recording
  • audio recording
  • poster
  • figures
  • source code
  • readme
  • raw data
  • anonymized data
  • processed data
  • figures
  • thumbnail
  • other
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dspace.file.type

File License

Label File License
French label Licence
Element oaire.licenseCondition (file level)
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_licenseCondition
Legacy MARC metadata 8564_1
Definition A legal document (license) giving official permission to do something with the resource. (file level)
Obligation Optional
Range List (licenses)
  • N/A
  • CC BY
  • CC BY-SA
  • CC BY-ND
  • CC BY-NC
  • CC0
  • PDM
  • ODbL
  • ODC-By
  • PDDL
  • MIT
  • Apache
  • BSD 3-Clause
  • GNU GPLv3
  • GNU LGPLv3
  • GNU AGPLv3
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.licenseCondition (file level)

File version

Label File version
French label Version du fichier
Element oaire.version
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#oaire_version
Legacy MARC metadata 8564_0, 8564_z
Definition The version (e. g. preprint, postprint) of the resource. Refers to the original publication. (file level)
Obligation Optional
Range COAR version types vocabulary
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_71e4c1898caa6e32 (submitted version or preprint)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_ab4af688f83e57aa (accepted version or accepted manuscript)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_71e4c1898caa6e32 (published version)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_e19f295774971610 (corrected version)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_e19f295774971610 (not applicable or unknown)
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • oaire.version

Administrative Metadata


Label URI
French label URI
Element dc.identifier.uri
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_uri
Definition Uniform Resource Identifier pointing to description of this item.
Obligation Optional
Range URI
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.identifier.uri


Label Handle
French label Handle
Element dc.identifier.hdl
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_hdl
Definition Handle System identifier.
Obligation Optional
Range Handle identifier (prefix 20.500.14299/{id})
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.hdl

ACOUA preservation ID

Label ACOUA preservation ID
French label ACOUA preservation ID
Element dc.identifier.acoua
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_acoua
Legacy MARC metadata 02470a (if 024702 == acoua)
Definition ACOUA preservation identifier.
Obligation Required When Available
Range Acoua preservation identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.acoua

Thesis number

Label Thesis number
French label Numéro administratif
Element epfl.thesis.number
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_number
Legacy MARC metadata 088__a
Definition EPFL thesis administrative number.
Obligation Required When Available
Range EPFL thesis administrative number
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.number


Label WOS ID
French label WOS ID
Element dc.identifier.isi
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_isi
Legacy MARC metadata 02470a (if 024702 == isi)
Definition Web of science reference number.
Obligation Optional
Range Web of Science Record identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.isi


French label SCOPUS ID
Element dc.identifier.scopus
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_scopus
Legacy MARC metadata 02470a (if 024702 == scopus)
Definition Scopus reference number.
Obligation Optional
Range Scopus Record identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.scopus


Label PMID
French label PMID
Element dc.identifier.pmid
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_pmid
Legacy MARC metadata 02470a (if 024702 == pmid)
Definition Pubmed reference number.
Obligation Optional
Range Pubmed identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.pmid

Patent Family ID

Label Patent Family ID
French label Identifiant famille EPO
Element dc.identifier.epo
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_identifier_epo
Legacy MARC metadata 02470a (if 024702 == EPO Family ID)
Definition European Patent Office identifier.
Obligation Optional
Range EPO family Identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • itemidentifier
  • dc.identifier.epo

Sciper ID

Label Sciper ID
French label Identifiant Sciper
Element cris.virtual.sciperId
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#cris_virtual_sciperId
Legacy MARC metadata 700__g, 720__g, 720_1g, 720_2g
Definition Digital unique identifier attributed to an EPFL member.
Obligation Optional
Range integer
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • cris.virtual.sciperId

ORCID Id (only for EPFL members with EPFL linked ORCID)

Label ORCID Id (only for EPFL members with EPFL linked ORCID)
French label Identifiant ORCID ((only for EPFL members with EPFL linked ORCID)
Element cris.virtualsource.orcid
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#cris_virtualsource_orcid
Definition Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify authors and contributors of scholarly communication.
Obligation Optional
Range ORCID identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • cris.virtualsource.orcid

Scopus Author ID

Label Scopus Author ID
French label Scopus Author ID
Element cris.virtual.author-scopus
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#cris_virtual_author-scopus
Definition Scopus Author ID is an identifying system for scientific authors.
Obligation Optional
Range Scopus Author Identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • cris.virtual.author-scopus


Label ResearcherID
French label ResearcherID
Element cris.virtual.rid
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#cris_virtual_rid
Definition ResearcherID is an identifying system for scientific authors.
Obligation Optional
Range ResearcherID identifier
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • cris.virtual.rid

Created date

Label Created date
French label Date de création
Element dc.date.created
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_date_created
Legacy MARC metadata 039_9y
Definition Date of creation of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dateCreated
  • dc.date.created

Accessioned date

Label Accessioned date
French label Date d'ajout
Element dc.date.accessioned
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_date_accessioned
Definition Date that the resource became or will become available.
Obligation Optional
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.date.accessioned

Modified date

Label Modified date
French label Date de modification
Element dc.date.modified
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_date_modified
Legacy MARC metadata 005 or 039_9a
Definition Date on which the resource was changed.
Obligation Optional
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • lastModified
  • dc.date.modified

Accepted date

Label Accepted date
French label Date acceptée
Element dc.date.accepted
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_date_accepted
Legacy MARC metadata 920__b
Definition Date of acceptance of the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range Date
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • dc.date.accepted

Written while being affiliated with EPFL

Label Written while being affiliated with EPFL
French label Rédigé en étant affilié à l'EPFL
Element epfl.writtenAt
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_writtenAt
Legacy MARC metadata 973__a
Definition Indicates whether the resource was produced or created by a contributor while affiliated with EPFL.
Obligation Required
Range List (epfl_written_at)
  • EPFL
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.writtenAt

Access rights

Label Access rights
French label Conditions d'accès
Element datacite.rights
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#datacite_rights
Legacy MARC metadata 542__a
Definition Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.
Obligation Optional
Range COAR access rights vocabulary
  • metadata-only
  • openaccess
  • restricted
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • datacite_rights
  • datacite.rights


Label Version
French label
Element epfl.publication.version
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_publication_version
Legacy MARC metadata 973__s
Definition The version (e. g. preprint, postprint) of the resource. Refers to the original publication. (item level)
Obligation Required
Range COAR version types vocabulary
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_71e4c1898caa6e32 (submitted version or preprint)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_ab4af688f83e57aa (accepted version or accepted manuscript)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_71e4c1898caa6e32 (published version)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_e19f295774971610 (corrected version)
  • http://purl.org/coar/version/c_e19f295774971610 (not applicable or unknown)
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.publication.version

Parent unit

Label Parent unit
French label Unité parente
Element cris.virtual.parent-organization
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#cris_virtual_parent-organization
Definition Hierarchy of the EPFL unit or laboratory responsible for the resource.
Obligation Optional
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • cris.virtual.parent-organization

Involved EPFL unit(s)

Label Involved EPFL unit(s)
French label Unités impliquées
Element dc.description.sponsorship
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#dc_description_sponsorship
Legacy MARC metadata 909C0p
Definition Metadata describing the EPFL unit or laboratory to which the resource is attributed.
Obligation Required
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • unitOrLab
  • organization
  • organizationHierarchy
  • dc.description.sponsorship

Doctoral school or program

Label Doctoral school or program
French label École ou Programme doctoral
Element epfl.thesis.doctoralSchool
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_doctoralSchool
Legacy MARC metadata 918__d
Definition The doctoral school affiliation of the thesis.
Obligation Required When Available
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.doctoralSchool


Label Faculty
French label Faculté
Element epfl.thesis.faculty
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_faculty
Legacy MARC metadata 918__a
Definition The Faculty affiliation of the thesis.
Obligation Required When Available
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.faculty


Label Institute
French label Institut
Element epfl.thesis.institute
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_institute
Legacy MARC metadata 918__c
Definition The Institute affiliation of the thesis.
Obligation Required When Available
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.institute

Original OrgUnit

Label Original OrgUnit
French label Unité hérité
Element epfl.thesis.originalUnit
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_originalUnit
Legacy MARC metadata 919__a
Definition The EPFL unit affiliation of the thesis.
Obligation Required When Available
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.originalUnit


Label Section
French label Section
Element epfl.thesis.section
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_section
Legacy MARC metadata 918__b
Definition The academic section affiliation of the thesis.
Obligation Required When Available
Range orgunit authority
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.section

Legacy Metadata

Legacy ID

Label Legacy ID
French label Ancien identifiant
Element cris.legacyId
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#cris_legacyId
Legacy MARC metadata 001
Definition The legacy primary identifier of the old system.
Obligation Optional
Range integer
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • cris.legacyId

Legacy item type

Label Legacy item type
French label Type hérité
Element epfl.legacy.itemtype
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_legacy_itemtype
Legacy MARC metadata 336__a
Definition The legacy item type as defined in the old system.
Obligation Optional
Range legacy_itemtypes
  • Book Chapters
  • Books
  • Conference Papers
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Datasets
  • Journal Articles
  • Media
  • Patents
  • Posters
  • Physical objects
  • Reports
  • Reviews
  • Student Projects
  • Talks
  • Teaching Material
  • Theses
  • Working Papers
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.legacy.itemtype

Degree level

Label Degree level
French label Niveau de diplôme
Element epfl.thesis.degreelevel
URI https://epfllibrary.github.io/infoscience-map#epfl_thesis_degreelevel
Legacy MARC metadata 980__b
Definition Indicates the academic level or stage of a thesis
Obligation Optional
Search indexes Search configuration: researchoutputs
  • epfl.thesis.degreelevel