LaTeX Principles
LaTeX separates the content (text, figure…) from the form (how the document will look like)
In order to get my document, I need to compile my source file
Document Organization
A LaTeX document is composed of commands (they start with \ ), environments (starts with \begin{envname} and stop with \end{envname})
Packages are tools to add new functionalities to LaTeX, a list of packages can be found on the CTAN webpage and we use the \usepackage command to load them
Font size can be changed using \tiny , \small , \normalsize , \large , \Large , \LARGE , \huge , \Huge
To have your text in italic: \textit or in bold : \textbf
Ordered lists use the enumerate environment; unordered lists the itemize . Items are defined with \item
New page is added with \newpage
Figure uses the environment figure and table the environment table
Legends are defined with \caption{} inside the float environment.
\includegraphics{} is used to add external graphic file.
By adding [(h)(H)(p)(b)(t)] to the float environment, you can choose how LaTeXT put the float in the document.
\part{} ,\chapter{} , \section{} ,\subsection{} ,\subsubsection{} ,\paragraph{} are used to specify the hierarchical structure of the document
the \label{key} command add a tag
the \ref{key} command will place the correct number of the label key during compilation
the \pageref{key} command will put the page of the label key during compilation
the \tableofcontents command will be replace by the table of contents of the document
For short bibliographies,you can use the {thebibliography} environment
Long or more robust bibliographies need BiBTeX linked with your document
Supplemental : Zotero and LaTeX
Supplemental : Collaborative LaTeX